Saturday, 8 April 2017

A Dawn walk in the woods

Fewer blessings can there be than walking the woods at dawn,
The air is fresh,and clean,
Mother nature has blessed us all, with another brand new morn.
The dawn chorus welcomes as we walk beneath the trees,
the earth smells clean and fresh,
The tree tops they are filled with song, carried on the breeze.
As the sunlight filters the wood, the night life slips away,
The badgers and the foxes too, head back into their den.
They hunted well, their cubs await, to sleep away the day.
The cry of the crows flying past, on ragged wings so high,
I spy the first spring bluebells too, looking for the sun,
Soon they will adorn the woods,a carpet oh so blue,
The beauty of nature, a miracle to my eye.
The sun so fresh, highlights the trees on high,
like a blazing beacon that heralds the dawn
as the world wakes from its sleep.
a new day, a new dawn, a new start has begun.
TJB 08/04/2017 (c)

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

The thing about helping others
is that it`s a selfless act,
no need for please or thank you,
you care and that`s a fact.
When you offer to help someone,
no matter how near how far,
you offer the hand of friendship,
No matter what age you are.
We all have friends in facebook
most we never shall meet,
separated by oceans
or even across the street.
But still we say `good morning`
hello, and have a good day,
to me thats an act of friendship
It helps us on our way.
So offer that hand of friendship
to someone new each day.
you never know, that little act
might just make someones day.
TJB 4/4/17 (c)